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While going through my files I ran across several McAdoo golden oldies, this one is from McAdoo Mayor Dane Watro; McAdoo mayor reintroduces civility proclamation | News | standardspeaker.com :

McAdoo Mayor Dane Watro sympathizes with President Donald Trump — but not with the violent protests in Washington, D.C.

Those protests prompted Watro to reintroduce a proclamation about public civility he introduced a decade ago last week.

The proclamation was unanimously approved by council, which is made up of four Republicans — Council President William Slovik; Vice President Mary Labert; Ed Bielen and Alberta Bumbulsky; as well as Democrats John DeBalko, Pete Minneci and John Shigo.

“I felt it was important to show people it (protesting) is done in a civil manner. I believe in protests, but I don’t believe in the destruction of government property,” Watro said.

Watro said he and a man he used to work with wrote the proclamation.

“The measure of civility by which any group of people, bound together by a common bond or purpose whether a family, business, team, government, or Borough will determine its productivity,” it stated. “When guided by civility the standard of interaction and communication by civil people will be more productive. When communication and interaction are permitted by greed, by envy, by pride, or by any other counter-productive motives to make us less civil, productivity suffers.

“As Borough leaders we agree to function as a positive, civil, example for the rest of our citizens. We agree that the task of governing is a privilege, especially when conducted civilly. We can by working together show our citizens that transparency, honesty, and civility is not only more productive, but the most honorable way to live and to govern. We understand that we can disagree at times and reconcile. We understand that we can disagree and sometimes agree to disagree.”


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