
I spent a lot of time hunting around small PA patch towns. A lot of the woods will resemble an area you’ll find yourself in if you decide to shelter in place or just hang around waiting for a sign that is safe to return.

I love the outdoors and my main complaint are all the GD bugs and wild dogs. I won’t bore you with my boring dogs’ stories but one. I was crawling through a small patch of Laurels on my hands and knees trying to make it to a clearing when I turned to my left and was staring face to face at an enormous white pit bull with a chewed off lead. He took one good look and ran away, same effect I have on women.

The problem that I don’t see being discussed is all the stray dogs during a collapse of society. I never shot a stray dog, if they catch a deer and eat God bless. My point is there are going to be a lot of dogs and I decided to carry a small pepper spray on the right front side strap of my bag.

There are quite a few old school hunters that believe all wild dogs need to be put down, consider that ammo will be priceless, don’t waste it on a dog.


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