My house

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Since I have no car or life for now, I find myself watching YouTube. I was watching one video, new to me call “My House”. I just posted part of the video with a link, long video.

It brought back a lot of painful memories for the day I was arrested as a terrorist just for mentioning the word gun.

Long story short after my 4-way conversation ended with OIC DiVirgilio, PASP and the Schuylkill County Comm I concluded the conversation by asking the PASP, “If I am not allowed to protect life, limb and/or property, why did you give me the gun permit”?  They had no answer.

Hopefully under Trump I will be granted with the God given right to protect my family. Should we submit to the chaos as the lesser evil that awaits when we exercise our rights? To this day I never received my Schuylkill County Protection permit back nor did I receive a reply from the Schuylkill County Sheriff’s office.

Maybe I should ask Rep Watro, tried that and it proved a colossal waste of time. As it stands right now, I have lost my protection permit and I haven’t a clue, why. Up until I was set up by OIC DiVirgilio I had no criminal record. Will I be able to purchase a firearm, who knows my elected officials refuse to communicate with me.

Anyone who has ever been in a life-threatening moment, you hesitate, you die. It’s that simple and unfair that I should have to stop and think, would it be better to allow the burglary or face a lifetime of harassment and prison by local law enforcement for pulling the trigger.  


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