As mentioned before on 4/25/23 my home was invaded by the PASP SWAT hunting for the elusive McAdoo Terrorist.
Despite DiVirgilio’s defamation of my character I hold nothing but respect for the PASP and the following comes from the heart and a concerned citizen.
Please provide better training for the PASP in further SWAT scenarios to make sure they make it home safely. After reviewing my Blink camera’s storage for that day, I could plainly see one PASP officer at the door with what appeared to be body armor and a second PASP officer watching his six with a loaded shotgun at his side on a swing sling pointed at my front door, unfortunately this officer was standing directing in front of my porch picture window upright with the entire room dark. I could have easily been sitting at my dining room table with a gun and he would have been none the wiser, should have been crouched down below my porch knee wall for protection.
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