First into battle

Another morning and another endless stream of political adds. I am a little tired of the MAGA and deplorable comments, truthfully, I think they are childish and baseless.

I am 69 years old and at some point, you must just say, “Fuck it”. How much senseless finger pointing without addressing the underlying problem, we need a leader.

There is little doubt in my mind that America as we have known since its inception will be lost under Kamala. While mindlessly searching around YouTube I ran across a quote from a war movie starring Mel Gibson.

He his giving a motivational message to his troops, as a leader he explains that he will be he first on the battlefield and the last to leave. He then makes the promise that all who fight will come home together.

For a movie it was a powerful speech and maybe added some insight when choosing out next leader. I can easily see Trump making this speech as a leader, can’t see Kamala offering the same first into battle and last to leave speech.

Maybe picking the next leader of the free world is that simple, either you are a leader or not, America desperately needs a leader.    


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