Dumb ass needs cameras

While trolling my new Standard Speaker subscription I ran across this article. Officer Dumb Ass explains how his citations are filed in car an automatically goes to the judge for filing, that explains a lot, maybe it should not be that easy, maybe sitting his fat ass in the car and driving to Frackville like the rest of us might reduce the number of made-up offenses reported.

Also worth noting is the mention of waiting for officer Chad Callahan resignation letter only after his short hire in June. What I find interesting is the date of the article, 4/14/23. Isn’t that around the time I was being set up by the MPD which eventually led to me being classified as a terrorist? Is it possible that this officer refused to participate in harassing a handicapped senior citizen, time will tell?


One response to “Dumb ass needs cameras”

  1. I always had a pleasant experience when talking with Office Chad Callahan. The last time I spoke to him was just before I went over to the borough building the night of 4/24/2023. I immediately sensed something was wrong, no longer cheerful self. He said that he had to go. This is McAdoo, go where I thought. I did give him some friendly advice while leaving, “It’s not the residents of McAdoo you need to fear but the people you work with”. Hope I didn’t scare him away.

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