Dumb and dumber

Let’s review:

  1. We have one officer who is trying to con me into working during a life-threatening heat wave and die from heat stroke. From a ticket with no contact info, for the wrong amount and an illegal format. Had this officer bothered to engage in the long-lost art of conversation I would have explained that my x-wife cleaned the old pile, and this is a new pile from my pickup and a new offense. Study your 100 photos from my property and here is a hint, one of these piles is different from the other.
  2. On to dumber number 2. McAdoo Borough Solicitor Baranko warned me never to contact anyone at any time without a lawyer. To the untrained legal eye that would appear to be a gross violation of my civil rights. Here is a fun fact; If I ran out there and removed the pile and died from heat stroke, do you think someone will be knocking on your door and asking, wtf?

If the goal is to make me move from town for whatever psychotic reason, the mission will be accomplished. Unfortunately, you are too dumb to realize I can’t leave town if you continue to fine me and steal my shit, just saying.


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