Constable car thief

Could not sleep again and started to clean off my desktop when I discovered this,

 “A help for police Borchick never served as a parking officer before, but he is familiar with the law from his work as a state constable. He said he took the job, which pays $11 per hour, not for the money but to help the community.”

This was taken from the news article announcing the parking meter savior for McAdoo.

Now I understand why McAdoo Borough Council lied to the residents by announcing in the paper his position was dissolved, doesn’t look too good when you print the truth that the former PA State Constable was let go or fired for grand theft auto. This just keeps getting better. Let me remind the residents of McAdoo what a constable is by printing their sworn code:


One response to “Constable car thief”

  1. Has any law enforcement bothered to check Northern Keystone Towing for more stolen cars while Constable Daniel Borchick was enforcing the law? Welcome to Schuylkill County corruption!

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