Baranko WTF

McAdoo take a good look at this letter and see what you are getting for your tax dollars.

“…I will nor will anyone on Council nor the Mayor’s office or MPD have any further communication directly with you absent your retention of legal counsel.”

I checked and my civil right s are not dependent on me kissing the Slusser ring. Maybe you are the one that needs to retain council? Here is a MT tech tip, avoid the Slusser Law Firm.

“You are aware of the same and as I understand there may have even been State Police intervention.”

My investigation did not last 500 days like my Mini but only hours before the McAdoo Mayor allowed OIC DiVirgilio and his PS SWAT team to surround my home with riot shotguns pointed at my front door.

Baranko, you need to either put the crack pipe down or retire you are delusional, and I have suffered because of it.

The sad part is I helped pay for this abuse through taxes.

The excessive phone call is another trade craft to bull shit your way through something you wish to avoid. What Baranko fails to mention is that they are excessive only because McAdoo and the Slusser Law Firm refuse to contact me or explain anything. As I stated before I do not need McAdoo Council permission to report Grand Theft Auto, had Baranko or McAdoo Council been transparent there would have been no reason to covertly call his office.


One response to “Baranko WTF”

  1. To this day McAdoo Council, McAdoo Police Department, Slusser Law Firm, Baranko, PA SP, nor my court appointment lawyer asked me for my side of the story, this after 500 days.

    Even my own layer refused to listen and in fact told me to “Shut up and let me do my job, I happen to be very good at it”.

    How can you be good at your job when you don’t have a clue what you are talking about?

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