Author: Mcadoor60

  • Watro WTF

    McAdoo council appoints temporary police officer-in-charge | News | I am not sure what’s worse, having my Mini stolen and civil rights crushed or the slow painful abuse from my government over the past 500+ days. The recent communication from Watro still has me upset. WTF Watro it’s been over 500 days, what’s the…

  • Love me some rap

    Burden – F Kamala (Official Music Video) ( Think I am starting to like rap 🙂

  • Fuck you DiVirgilio

    I have been trying for someone to contact me over this stolen Mini and after 509 days this was my response. What a proud day for McAdoo. This is way past harassment; this is torture of a handicapped senior citizen. Keep those Vore for Watro yard signs up. He has been updated since day one…

  • One nation under God

    After the last post it occurred to me that I have not heard this recited for longer than I want to realize. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with…

  • Thin blue line my ass

    After my encounter with the MPD it has become apparent that something must change within Schuylkill County and how police are controlled or managed. First let me say I believe every person that served in the armed forces is a hero. My heart breaks every day when I watch the news and the atrocities of…

  • Watro challenge

    Watro you’re fired! Since I am stuck at home without a car I have been watching a lot of YouTube. Some of the videos found on YouTube are based on a challenge, like the ice water challenge and so on. I thought it would be interesting considering it is another election cycle to do a…

  • Watro embraces discrimination

    This is a letter sent and acknowledged received by McAdoo Mayor Vilcheck, he ignored my plea and allowed the assholes at MPD to tow my car while I was in court then refused to contact me. I also sent a copy to Watro. What was Watro’s response to reported discrimination? A tour of McAdoo with…

  • Hick justice

    I stumbled onto this web page from the Philadelphia Police Department. It explains their directive and how the Internal Affairs Department ensures that this is not a joke. I realize that I am not special and the agencies that are available to me are overworked but as a taxpayer that’s not my problem. This hick…

  • Police state

    police state noun : a political unit characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police and especially secret police in place of regular operation of administrative and judicial organs of the government according to publicly known legal procedures I just received this from my…