Where’s Denis

On 4/24/23 while frantically trying to find out who the elusive Officer 86 was I stopped by the McAdoo Borough Building that night and found a meeting underway. I thought it was a council meeting so I naturally entered figuring I would get the info firsthand.

Turns out it was a zoning meeting held by Denis Kapes McAdoo Building Inspector. After waiting for the end, I gathered everyone’s attention and held the bogus ticket high and asked if anyone knew who Officer 86 was. Not one single person, including Denis, knew who this was.

I then informed everyone that if I get one more fake ticket on my windshield that I would punch this person in the face. Naturally someone seated chirped up and asked if that meant MPD. I said anyone but the MPD.

I then turned to Denis face to face and asked, she just laughed in my face. Later that evening while sitting on the McAdoo Borough Building steps waiting for someone, I called Denis. She informed me that answering me was not in her job description then hung up the phone.

Now the question remains, If I was a terrorist on 4/25/23 why nobody spoke up including Denis to tell MPD they had it all wrong?

An even better question was Baranko there that day?


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