Help! Looking for anyone that has a video of Daniel borchick riding in my stolen Mini during the McAdoo Halloween parade, please email photo to thank you
Confessions of a dirty McAdoo cop
Upon returning home, I was devastated to discover that my beloved Mini Cooper had been stolen, despite the numerous "No Trespassing" signs posted around my property. The responding officer, OIC Divirgilio, arrived on the scene to assist with the investigation. During the trial, as I waited in the courtroom, I noticed Divirgilio and Officer 86 Borchick passing around a cell phone, sharing laughter over the pictures displayed on the screen. It soon became clear to me that the source of their amusement was the theft of my car; an event that had caused me significant distress. The experience was disheartening, as it felt like my loss was being trivialized by those meant to uphold the law. It served as a reminder of the insensitivity that can sometimes occur within the justice system.

Gallery Of McAdoo
Glimpse of small town PA corruption...For a larger
corruption experience, click image 😀

McAdoo Terrorist Mail Room
MT Drive-in Movie
I wasted a year thinking my stolen Mini complaint was in good hands, no fool like an old fool.
Representative Watro did nothing to help a handicaped old man. Talks a good talk in his senior abuse seminars.
In reality he is just another full of shit politician and I am embarrassed that he calls himself a Republican.
Maybe if I contributed over a grand to his campaign like the McAdoo Mayor and Slusser Law Firm I would get a seat at the table when the crumbs are dished out.
It's not hard to figure why this video came to mind, enjoy.
MT Thinking Out Loud

Hello Officer Garcia! Yep he's Latin American, just thought I'd get the elephant out of the room 😀. There are actually two elephants in this room, Officer Garcia will you help Presiden Trump deport all who entered my country illegally? I enjoyed the Facebook photo, often wondered what would happen upon touching the hand of corruption? I'll save the pat on the back for after a trial period, trust me I have earned that skepticism.
McAdoo Mayor smart move and I almost regret my uncontrollable desire to sue you. After all a $1,500 campaign contribution to Watro would signal deep pockets, it wasn't for his political future due to an automatic win while riding the Trump train. Despite everything I was leaning on mercey until I caught your Facebook page, " parade ever". You have balls I'll give you that one. To make that comment after entering my stolen Mini in your perverted parade defies reason and logic.
At this point in time my only question for Officer Garcia would be, are you capable of arresting the man your shaking hands with?

Dear Honorable On April 24, 2023, OIC Divirgilio unlawfully terminated my Pennsylvania protection permit, leaving me vulnerable and exposed. Shortly after this shocking decision, Daniel Borchick, who was recently fired from his job but remains a Pennsylvania state constable, stole my Mini Cooper. Despite his termination from McAdoo employment, Borchick still possesses the authority that comes with being a constable. This raises pressing questions about public safety: has anyone taken the necessary steps to revoke his permits to carry a firearm? The combination of his actions and continuing privileges puts individuals like myself at risk, highlighting the need for urgent oversight and accountability within the system. The situation demands immediate attention to protect citizens and ensure that individuals with a history of questionable behavior do not possess dangerous weapons.
Dear Honorable Representative Watro,
I have just a simple question, where you in attendance of the McAdoo Halloween parade where my destroyed stolen Mini was used by the MPD as a parade float complete with Daniel Borchick in the cab?

One of the first actions taken by Officer Di Virgilio during his harassment spree was to contact the Schuylkill County Sheriff and revoke my personal protection permit. This is difficult to comprehend, especially considering he was involved in securing the McAdoo Borough office and participating in the manhunt for a local terrorist. Amidst such a chaotic situation, it’s alarming to think he found the time to make that call. The danger of his actions cannot be understated; had I awakened in my garage, groggy and startled, and exited holding my impact gun, the consequences could have been fatal. The atmosphere was tense, and the stakes were high, demonstrating the reckless nature of the officer's game.

Living in McAdoo has left me feeling frustrated and abandoned, especially knowing that those who wronged me have legal representation funded by my own taxes. Meanwhile, I'm stuck with a public defender from Schuylkill County who seems burnt out and uninterested in my case. It's disheartening to feel like my struggles are overshadowed by a system that favors the well-connected while leaving me to fend for myself. I can't help but wonder about the fairness of a situation where my resources are drained to support those who have harmed me, while I receive minimal, and seemingly lackluster, defense. It’s a tough pill to swallow, feeling like the odds are stacked against me in this fight for justice.
Since I cannot afford a lawyer and all Schylkill County authorities run from me I have been forced to fend for myself. Early on Attorney MT began to notice some disturbing trends or things that just seem off.
I tried to contact the Standard Speaker to publish a story on MPD stealing my car, they refused. Interestingly enough when the McAdoo borough secretary contacted them on reporting how MT was hunted down by the MPD it only took one day to publish? I contacted them and explained it was a lie and requested a retraction they refused.
Next I tried to report how the Slusser Law Firm helped the MPD bury the theft of my Mini, once again no reply. Could it have something to do with the massive advertising dollars the firm pumps into this paper?
Then I sent the paper a letter to the editor explaing how Rep Watro ignored the plea of an abused senior citizen while attending his elder abuse seminar, you guessed it no reply.
I could go on but the Standard Speaker is obviously our only source of local news and they weild it like a weapon. My point is are you really getting an unbiased news, do you really care?
Each one of these old mines had what currently priced at $2,474, gold holds significant allure, especially after an unfortunate incident involving the McAdoo Police Department and my Mini Cooper. With my vehicle gone and living on a fixed income, I discovered an abundance of free time that led me to explore the fascinating history of the gold rush in the early 1800s through various YouTube videos. This newfound interest has ignited a thrilling hobby; I plan to visit numerous defunct and abandoned gold mines in search of treasure. Armed with my metal detector, I will sift through tailings and trash piles, hoping to uncover hidden gold. The excitement of prospecting and the possibility of finding gold have rekindled my spirit as I embrace this adventure.
New Beginnings Where & Why
I have no real plans as to where I will find my new home. After spending 24 years in McAdoo the thought of spending my final years in this polluted and corrupt borough keeps me up at nights. My intententions are to travel this beautiful country for a while and see what fits. I purchased a Federal Senior Park pass that will allow me to camp on a quarter million acres, technically I can do this until the day I die.
My first plan is to see as many beautiful locations this country has to offer, considering that I am leaving McAdoo this should be an easy task.
The first item on my checklist is warmth for this old arthritic body whomever said hard work never killed anyone obviously never did any hard work. Next would be to avoide any community that embraces a communist doctrine like McAdoo's Quality of Life ordinance. If unable to find my Goldilocks community than I plan on becoming a Snow Bird and follow the ideal temp as the seasons change.

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