MT bugs out #1

First what is a bugout or go bag? The simplest explanation would be to do some research on YouTube. Basically, it is a bag that you store items to survive should there be a knock on the door telling you evacuate now. To see what this looks like firsthand you only have to watch the news of Ukraine. The people you see in a daze wandering around a burnt-out town are not preppers. These people are wondering where their next drink of water is coming from.

Since I am on a fixed income, I have been storing prep and camping gear on sale for a while and stashing it in a closet, most of which was purchased for 50-70% off. With the world in chaos, I figured now would be a good time to make a bag. I also decided to blog about each addition to help someone that hasn’t thought of this before or provided entertainment to most of McAdoo who think I’m just another nut job 😊

The first thing to cover is the bag. I chose a Filson bag about 32 liters all Army green with nice easy access front pockets, plus it was on sale. I choose not to have a camo bag just so I would not be mistaken for military or police personnel. I chose green so I could hide the bag should I need to for a while. A larger bag would have been nice but between my age, Arthritis and a bad back, this will have to do. Next blog will be what I have added to my bag as it arrives and why.


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