Thin blue line my ass

After my encounter with the MPD it has become apparent that something must change within Schuylkill County and how police are controlled or managed.

First let me say I believe every person that served in the armed forces is a hero. My heart breaks every day when I watch the news and the atrocities of war. They deserve every parade and benefit this country can extend to make their life worth what they fought for, if that makes sense?

Somehow the various police departments, especially in small rural towns have assumed the valor that these soldiers rightly deserve. This might rub a few the wrong way but they are not special, it’s a job.

It’s a job with inherent risks but no different than a roofer, miner, logger or any construction worker, every job has its risks. Government statistics that list the top 10 dangerous jobs are construction workers, law enforcement never made the list. Everyone is familiar with OSHA, this government agency was created to protect the average worker from job dangers faced daily, helping them to return home safely.

I hate to break it to the police; it wasn’t them that spawned the creation of OSHA. So, what makes them so special that they deserve a thin blue line flag? Get over yourselves, you’re not special, it’s a job. Truth be told, the roofer faces more danger daily than you do.

It has been described as a few keeping us from anarchy, thus the thin blue line so we are special.

If you want to see what separates us from true anarchy, have the millions of citizens that work in this industrial meat grinder simply stop working and paying taxes. Maybe our thin red line flag out trumps your thin blue line flag. Point is everyone that contributes to keeping this nation great is special under one American flag.

Perhaps in Schuylkill County we have created an army of people with guns and badges that feel they are somehow special and the laws they govern do not apply to them.

I do not pretend to have an answer but special symbols like a flag with a thin blue line must go. There is one American flag that we all fall under, and it doesn’t have a thin blue line.

For those officers from McAdoo that feel they are constantly in danger and the need for full body armor during the day while patrolling McAdoo should spend 90 days working the night shift in Philadelphia, consider it a police boot camp. I can guarantee you that upon returning to work, finding a rusty brake rotor under some pine needles in a person’s yard will seem trivial.


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