Hick justice

I stumbled onto this web page from the Philadelphia Police Department. It explains their directive and how the Internal Affairs Department ensures that this is not a joke.

I realize that I am not special and the agencies that are available to me are overworked but as a taxpayer that’s not my problem. This hick style of justice is hopefully not found in the larger cities where the numbers of officers mandate an Internal Affairs Division.

As an example, if I have been screwed over by OIC DiVirgilio of the MPD who would I report this to? The painful answer is a choice between OIC DiVirgilio or an X-cop brain dead McAdoo Mayor, that’s it.

Next choice is contacting an overworked Schuylkill County District Attorney’s office that would embrace my complaint right up there with hemorrhoids.

In my humble opinion what is needed especially in rural Schuylkill County is a Schuylkill County Police Internal Affairs department. Like what every large municipality in PA has had for years.

I would love to suggest this to my State Representative, but Watro is busy in a circle jerk of local police agency’s all avoiding arresting one of their own.

Unfortunately, Watro will ride the Trump winning wagon only because on paper he is running as a Republican.

What that means for the local voter is you will be tried and sentenced in hours while anything involving the police will take years hoping that you will lose interest, as the illusion of justice continues.


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