While surfing the web I ran across Musk’s comment while making an appearance at a Trump rally. He made mention of the Dark MAGA, since this might be something I can relate to I decided to investigate.

Turns out there are those within the Democratic party that are fearful that Trump might blow the lid off four years of bullshit and lies force fed to the American voter by the Democratic majority.

Most of the fear surrounded the so-called insurrection. I watched this in real time and still have a lot of questions.

  1. Why were the surveillance videos from the Capitol never released?
  2. Were there any FBI agents trying to plant or cause a riot in what they said or by their actions?
  3. One man was singled out as a FED informer and yet till this day there has never been an investigation released, why?
  4. There was also a report of a pipe bomb that was later found, then the topic/investigation just vanished.
  5. I remember watching in real time MAGA supporters herded into a tunnel and beaten by Capitol Police while trying to escape while forcing them from leaving, I watched this in real time and then it just disappeared.
  6. Why was the famous Shamon with the horns escorted on a tour by capitol police then arrested for years?
  7. Why did capitol police remove barriers and invite them into the Capitol?
  8. Why were the incarcerated MAGA supporters jailed and tortured while being denied legal and medical help?

It is my sincere desire that if elected Trump goes scorched earth on everyone that had a hand in this Coup d’etat attempt.

Anyone that tried to undermine The Constitution of the United States should be held accountable.

Give them hell Trump!

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