Border Zarr

Democrats and their border Zarr should be held accountable for 12 million illegal’s they allowed in the country. That number is only an estimate because no one knows for sure.

How many terrorists were allowed to simply walk into this country? South American countries were not shy in boosting they sent the bottom of the barrel by emptying their prisons.

There is no doubt this was an orchestrated plan to say well they are here now let’s make them citizens and allow them to vote. What a shitty thing to do to another human being, use them as a political pawn.

There is also no doubt in my mind Harris was picked for the back door entry for President back in 2020. They make movies about Manchurian candidates, this sure looks like a real example.

I feel empathetic to their problem, but the bottom line is they must go back. Then if you’re not a terrorist or MS13 you can apply the right way. Naturally Trump will take the heat for this when elected for a third term this November.

Unfortunately for the legal Hispanic community they will be caught up in the removal of illegals in this country. There is no way around this, and Kamala should be ashamed and held accountable for their suffering.

I doubt 12 million people are going to leave willingly. My only advice is to make sure you always have ID on your person. Don’t forget to say thanks to Kamala as you leave, you were used.


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