The Slusser scam

While going through some bloated folders on my computer a few things became apparent. The first is whenever I read an article from the newspaper that if there is an investigation that involves the current McAdoo Mayor and Slusser Law Firm it takes weeks and not years providing the officer being investigated is cleared. The flip side of the coin is if the officer’s action cannot be explained in favor of McAdoo Borough the Slusser Scam takes effect. Its genius is in simplicity, just ignore the problem. Take my case, a disabled senior citizen that the powers that be in Schuylkill County have abandoned. I am not looking for pity, but the simple truth is nobody in Schuylkill County cares. Before you know one year has passed then two….. The one power we have is as consumers. We do not need a legal reason where our money is spent. Maybe it is time for the abused senior citizens in Schuylkill County to take the power of our dollars and votes more seriously and send a message.


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